Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Moving, Easter, My Birthday

Wow So much to cover...  A Lot has happened. Time just flies by! So we moved as mentioned before in an earlier post. It was long. It was our last week of school before spring break and we had so much homework to do on that Friday night. We decided to just get the moving out of the way so we could enjoy our spring break a little more. So Friday night  after we moved everything in we went to sleep at my parents house because we were so tired we didn't want to put anything together and we had lots of homework due for our online class.  So we got to my parents house and started our homework. It was a big midterm assignment with tons of writing for our english class we were both just exhausted and the last thing we wanted to do was write a mid term paper. So we were writing and we both finally got done and got in bed and then Mike let me know that I had one more assignment that I needed to get done. I just lost it. I literally just laid there and tears just started coming. I was so tired and I had to work the next day. I was just so overwhelmed. But I just decided to hurry and do it and get it done so I did, we went to bed and everything was better. Well after all is said and done, we really love our new house, Its been fun being close to work and our families. So, so far so good no complaints! We love it!!  Our spring break consisted of work, and being completely lazy! It was a nice break from school and we never wanted to go back...but too bad.
So Easter was a good day. We got a basket just for both of us to share because we didn't really know what to put in our basket in the first place we thought it would be better to just pick out things together. So It turned out good and fun. We went over to mikes parents the night before and died easter eggs. Which is always fun. Mike was cute and made a couple eggs that said "I love Amy" On them haha he is so cute. Easter morning I made french toast (our favorite breakfast food) and then I hid the basket for mike to find and then he hid it for me to find. haha lets say I was better at hiding. Anyways, then we went to church and had a great time there and learned lots and then we went to mikes families house for dinner. My family decided it would be fun to go to Cali for a week and not take us...jk, it was there spring break, to bad ours was a few weeks earlier. Anyways we had a good time with the Ivan side and had a great dinner and got another easter basket from his cute mom.  They were nice and celebrated my birthday and gave me a gift. Im lucky to have married into an awesome family!  Then we ended it by watching the show, The Bible, on the history channel and saw where Christ was crucified and then the resurrection it was a good way to end the day and to just really remember why we celebrate Easter and how blessed that we are  and the amazing gift he gave to us.

So I love this time of year just cause it seems so happy, and my birthday is April 2. So this year as I said my family is gone for spring break so they missed my birthday so we celebrated the saturday before my birthday and went to P.F. Changs...I love that place and my parents gave me gifts. We had a good time I just love my family. I wish all my family could be together all the time I hate that some live far away...But thats ok. So then mike and I went and got our rings cleaned and wow they look so shinny haha its crazy how dirty they get. Anyways, so then mike and I went to Dinner on Monday to my favorite place, Wingers. Because on my birthday we had school and I really cant miss it. But don't worry I refused to work and Im really glad now that I refused to work..
My cute Husband gave me a Massage and Facial for my birthday. I remember I told him like 2 months ago all I wanted to do on my birthday was to have a relaxing day for myself where I don't have anything to do. So he got me that. He is the best and it was amazing! Im surprised he remembered!  My birthday was a great day and a success.

Conference weekend was awesome. I always love conference and listening to our general Authorities. We were at mikes parents house again because mine were gone. It was a good day and we had fun! Now we are just on our final couple weeks of school and we are trying to survive..ha. we are ready to be done with this semester. Well I think that is all for now!!