Monday, January 28, 2013

Busy Busy Busy!!

So just when I thought life was already pretty crazy, It just got a million times crazier. School started so that has been something that has made it so crazy. I swear all we are ever doing is homework.

So I started working the Day shift and then Mike and I are taking classes together at night this semester. I love being with him every night it is the best thing! Last semester we Hardly got to see each other during the week so this change is definitely a good one, but it is crazy!  We Go straight from work to school then to bed. Our weekends consist of homework. We want to go out with friends but we have to discipline ourselves. Its much easier to do that when your spouse is doing the same homework as you. We are both taking a lot of credits this semester so we have to keep on top of everything. And by the end of the week all we want to do is lay down and do absolutely nothing.

This last sunday we got home from church it was a blizzard outside so we decided to stay in SLC and not to go down to our families houses. We stayed in, laid on the couch, and turned Netflix on. We started watching "Flying Alaska" Mike served a mission in Alaska so, we decided to watch it and its good for me to see a little of Alaska. Anyways we turned on the first episode at 6 pm we both took little power naps but continued to watch it. Next thing I knew it was 10 pm we haven't moved from the couch and we were on episode 9 out of 12. we almost finished the whole season. The funny thing is, is that, its not really even a great Series or anything we were just both SO tired from our week. It was pretty funny when I realized we just sat there all day watching people fly airplanes for 4 hours.

This last week my parents went to Cabo ( those little bums) So they asked us to stay at there house for the week. So we were down in Utah County all week long. It was such a crazy and hectic week. Working everyday including saturday and school was nuts I have never felt so exhausted. Mike was feeling the same way. It was nice to stay there and spend some time with my little brothers. Even though we didn't see them too much cause of our schedules, It was fun. Mike and I have been thinking to move back to Utah County and after being there for a week we just want to move back so bad! Salt Lake is great and its been so good for us. We love our home and everything but It just feels like home down there. So We are still deciding on what to do and what would be best for us so no guarantees yet on what we will do. Its just an option.

Besides being crazy busy everyday between work, school, and our church callings we are doing awesome! We are having fun and still very in love. Every one gives us a hard time for always kissing, cuddling, and being lovey, but we cant help it! We just love each other thats all there is to it! And I dont think the loveiness will ever stop, so get use to it people because I love my husband!! :)

Anyways that is a short update and if we seem like we have fallen off the face of the earth, we are probably doing homework and being unsocial.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Years!

....Obviously I have a lot of time on my hands because I've been blogging! Having no school is so weird! I sleep in everyday I wake up at exactly 10 every single morning. I hate it! I just feel like I've wasted so much time..then I think well what would I have done if I woke up earlier? My house is clean and everything is done so..I guess sleep is good. This next semester will be busy and crazy so I will enjoy the sleep while I have it.

So new years eve was a good day I guess..I had to work that night so I was at work until about 11..something.. Mike picked me up we got to my parents house at 11:30 and got ready for the fireworks. My dad loves fireworks! It was freezing and cold but It was fun! I was all bundled up and the best part about it was my husband was right there by my side! it was all going good until someone decided to hand mike a punk (a stick thing that stays really hot) Anyways It looks cool when you blow on it cause then It gets really red and so I decided to blow really hard on it and the ashes sprayed in mikes face so his reaction was to hit me in the face with a hot stick...It hit my lip so my lip is now burned! It was actually really hilarious and we laughed for a good while. He felt bad. My cute husband is the biggest teddy bear and I love it! Then we stayed there until about 1:30 am and decided to go home and get to bed. The next day either of us had to work so we cleaned our house took our cute tree down and got things organized. So we just hung out all day watched football literally all day and we went to his families house for a new years dinner! It was yummy!! We are excited for the new year and what it will bring us! It was fun to be together this holiday season and cant wait to spend every holiday every year with him. He is the best!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

California Trip & Our First Christmas

We went to California this year for Christmas! It was really Nice to get away for a little bit in a new atmosphere and to be with Mikes side of the Family. The one thing I hate most about Vacations is that they throw off your normal schedule. So when Im on vacation I always feel like I need to be doing something when I dont. It just always throws me off. But this vacation I didn't even have time to sit and feel this way we were constantly going 24/7 and it was SO tiring but lots of fun!

We got to California on the Friday before Christmas. We flew in at about 9 pm Cali time so we were already pretty tired just cause that day we did a lot before we left so, we got to his Grandmas house and we talked for a bit and then ended up going to sleep. We woke up the next day got ready went to the airport and picked up mikes family. We went home ate some lunch and then went to visit other relatives and then went to mikes Aunts house for dinner. We stayed there until about 11 pm and didn't get home until 11:30 then went straight to bed. The next day we woke up early...well the majority of us did . And then we were off to see Mikes dads side of the family. We went to mikes cousins house and her little boy was the cutest thing! So cute! Then we went over to the Rehabilitation center his grandma was at to see her. His grandma isn't doing so well and so we wanted to see her. It broke my heart when I saw her. I don't even know her and my heart just went out to her. It was a really hard visit for me, Im not sure why I just think seeing someone look the way she did was so hard for me. She cant do anything for herself she cant swallow anything so she has to be fed by a tube its just so sad. When we were there she started to choke and so they actually had to take her to the Hospital. Either of mikes sides of the family are of the same faith as us so when Mikes dad Went in and asked if they could give her a Preisthood blessing I was interested to see what they would say. They said yes so Mike and His dad went and gave her a blessing. I didn't hear the Blessing my husband gave but I was watching it from out in the hall. The Spirit touched me so much and I was just so Thankful for the preisthood. Im so thankful for my husband who honors his Preisthood and uses it. What a blessing it is to our family, to have it in my home is the most amazing gift.  That moment was my very favorite moment of that day and such a testimony builder for me. I know Mike was grateful for that opportunity. I asked him if he ever thought he would have given his grandma a blessing in his life. He said nope not really.. Im glad he got that opportunity. His grandam got all stabilized and was doing ok. We then made our way to Mikes cousins house. Which is his dads sisters house. It was nice to meet all her kids and grandkids. They were lots of fun. We played Just dance(Not only at there house we played it all throughout this vacation) We took Videos of each other it was so funny. I promised I wouldn't post this to facebook...but it is going on the blog! Sorry Ty,Mike and Jared. But it was awesome!

 So we were there for like the whole day. We didn't leave until really late and so we got home and again went straight to bed. We woke up the next day and it was christmas eve. Mikes grandma throws a huge party with all of the fam so while she was getting ready for that we went Ice Skating. It was so much fun, I haven't been for awhile so it was fun. Then we got home everyone started showing up and it was a party. Lots of games going on, talking, just dance, karaoke...things like that. it was a fun time good to see people and meet new people. It was lots of fun and then we opened gifts. Im thankful for mikes grandma and grandpa and the wonderful gifts they gave me. they didn't have to do that but they are so sweet and so kind. It was fun to watch everyone open gifts. Thats my favorite part about Christmas is watching people recieve. I love it. The party went all night and I was exhausted and so when everyone left I just went straight to bed. We woke up Christmas morning at 10:00.....Who wakes up Christmas Morning at 10? I have never in my life slept that long on Christmas day. But It felt so good!! Then we got stockings, Mikes Grandma is so cute! Then opened more gifts (Thank you Steve and Pam for the gift! Means a lot to us!) And then Mike and I had a flight to catch cause we both had to be back for work the next day. We got packed and ready and got to the airport and we were on our way home to cold Utah. We got home Stopped by our house to grab the Presents my parents gave us and went down there to see them and to open the presents. So we got there opened the presents and visited.(Thank you Mom and Dad for the presents! We got spoiled!) Mike got me a new Chi straightner and socks! Such a good husband who listens to his wife! haha. I got Mike some tools(so he can hang my pictures) and a new Computer desk (so our room can look more organized) see Im a smart wife I buy Presents that benefit the both of us! ;) jk.. anyways,  I missed my Family a lot on Christmas. It was a bit hard for me being away just cause I missed all of our traditions. Its weird when you do something different all of the sudden. So it was good to see them. I have figured out I get homesick..mostly from my mom. She is the greatest lady alive. One day I can only hope to be like her. That wont happen but I can wish. So anyways it was a good way to end our christmas. We left my parents house late and got home late and again went straight to bed. We were so exhausted! It felt so good to be in our own bed and in our house. It was freezing cold but felt good to be home. Im thankful we could go out to California and visit those that we don't see very often and to spend time with them. Mikes family is awesome! They are so nice and so welcoming I couldn't of asked for a better family to marry into. Im so grateful for that. Our first christmas was a success and the trip was awesome. I have never been so exhausted, and eaten so much food in all my life, But it was great!! We are so thankful for our families and all that they do for us. We are grateful for the gospel in our lives and how much it blesses us. Most of all we are grateful for the birth of our savior and the atoning sacrifice he made for all of us. We hope your christmas was just as great as ours!! Next up...NEW YEARS!!

 Jared's new Clothes
 Jakes new clothes

Mikes Parents gave us a Ring payment and a GC to Target! Thank you!!!
Presents from my Parents
This is from when we got our Christmas tree.