Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So Its crazy that its the end of February. Time is going so quick its insane. I guess keeping busy makes everything go so fast! I will try and remember all the events that have happened this month.
So we are still in school. We are doing well and really just cant wait for this semester to be done and for the snow to leave. We are both so sick of the snow! I have loved having a study buddy for all my classes. It helps so much to have someone else there to help. I love it and even better its my husband! Sometimes we may get a little frustrated with each other. We have both learned we are horrible teachers. But when Its all said and done, its great and I love it. Work is just, work...nothing new there. Everything is going well with both work and school.
Mike had a Birthday this month. So we tried to celebrate it. But we both worked and had school so it was a bit hard. But I made him a Birthday breakfast and then he went to work, and I went to work. Then we went to school. And I went a bought him cupcakes because I felt bad he didn't have a cake and candles to blow out, So I bought candles too so I came to school and sang him happy birthday with a cute little cupcake. I just wanted to make him feel special in some kind of way.
Mikes Grandma (Ivan Side) Passed away. So we made another trip to Cali for her funeral. We celebrated our Valentines day in the car...It was ok at least we were together.  The Funeral was really nice and Im really glad we got to be there. We are so thankful for the knowledge of the gospel that we have and the peace that it brings to us. The rest of the time in Cali we spent with Mikes Other grandparents and we celebrated Mikes Birthday and Mikes brothers Birthday. They had there Birthday while out in Cali. We went to Knotts Berry Farms and had a good time there. Another Cali trip that was a success. I swear right now it feels like Cali is our second home because we have been there 4 times in the last 6 months. This last time when we were there it was 80 degrees. So coming back to Utah weather really sucked so bad! We want summer!
Our cute friends Cameron and Sky finally got engaged! We are so excited for them and excited to attend another wedding. We love them and cant wait!
My Cute Niece Aili had to go in for another Cath. Its always scary when she has to get something done. I really hate it because It actually just breaks my heart that something so innocent and little has to go through what she goes through. I hate thinking about it so all mike and I can do Is pray that everything goes well. This time they had a couple scares but everything turned out ok. So we are glad and thankful that everything is all right. We love her so much as well as our other Niece and Nephew. It is so fun to have Nieces and Nephews. Aili also had a birthday this month so I was able to go to her little birthday party. It was fun to see how she reacted to everything. Its crazy that she is already 1. So this month we celebrated lots of Birthdays!
So one random day I was just feeling in my mouth with my tongue and all the sudden I felt something really hard on the left top side of my mouth..op there is my wisdom tooth I have been waiting to grow in( I only have one, Luckily) So then I decided I had to get it out because I obviously didn't want it to move my teeth cause then these braces would be pointless. So Mike scheduled me an appointment to get it out. It just happened to be the same day I got my braces tightened...and we had a math test. So that day was kind of interesting. I was really nervous to get my wisdom tooth pulled out for some reason. But I went in there and did it and it wasn't that bad. Other then when the Dentist said the shot would feel like a little pinch I wanted to let him know that it wasn't a pinch It was more like a stab...But other than that it was good. Kind of gross hearing my roots getting ripped a part but its ok It was over in literally 2 mins. now I'm just sitting here with gauze in my mouth and meds in my system. So we are good. When I went to my Ortho App. I got good news.. These braces will be off April 16. FINALLY Im so excited to get these things off. I don't know how people have them for like 5 years...even 2. I would go nuts. Im just sick of them. So I am excited about that.
This month we have been sick. It was mike and his whole family and then now I have finally gotten it. So its been a great month of sickness...Trying to get over it and It totally sucks. What can you do?
I think this month more than ever Mike and I have realized how weird we are. We are SO weird together. Seriously if we had a camera recording us together not in public...people would be in aw... BUT that is why we have so much together. Seriously there is never a dull moment I love it. I love that we can both be our weird selves together and we get each other. It is so fun and I love it, and I love him for that. We have been married 6 months and it has been SO great. Seriously the best six months. I know everyone says that, but really its true it has been the best! February has treated us well. we are so blessed and thankful for all that we have!

*We are trying to find a place to live in Utah county so keep your eyes open and let us know if anything is available.
*My little Brother Jason should be getting his call here soon!! Cant wait!